Building a drive to store influencer marketing strategy.

In occasion of the opening of its first flagship store in Rome, Salmoiraghi & Viganò wants to involve its local target through a drive-to-store strategy in order to communicate the pre and post sales services they offer to their customers. To help our Milanese friends in this feat we drew on our most authentic Roman soul. But is there only one?
As in all major cities Rome belongs to its neighbourhoods. We’re not sure how it came about, but legend has it that originally there were two: North Rome and South Rome. To solve the dispute once and for all we called upon creators, influencers, and all Romans to the cry of #guardacheroma.

To grab local attention, it’s crucial we seek out the right influencers. The Actual, well known on Youtube for their video pills on Rome, teamed up with Sabrina Ghio and Roberta Pitrone, ambassadors to the two different souls of Rome. All four starred in two site specific events based on north-vs-south, creating hype both on the territory and online for the campaign kick-off officially launched on FB and Yt with an in-store Actual video and the following call to action: ‘And you, with what style do you see Rome?’

Over a two-month period the influencers authentically communicated what their experiences with the S&V in-store consultancy and service was, with over 20 original contents and calling upon the social community to book, vote for ‘their’ most loved Rome and receive an in-store reward through a dedicated landing page.

Managing Director
Marco Venuti
Account Manager
Giulia Martinis
Art Director
Flavio Milazzo
Social Media Manager
Roberto Magnanini
Art Direction
Social Media Management